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Location: formerly Indianapolis, IN, Central Region, Ghana

INFP, prone to fits of outrageous behavior and supporter of same

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Busy, busy, breathlessly busy for the past two weeks on account of "stuff." Quite a bit of sludge had accumulated in the corners of that old house on Broadway after fifteen years of occupation. So, I moved from my lovely domicile on Broadway Street last week. I said goodbye to the butterflies on the buddliea; faretheewell to the perennials and the woody shrubs; and, adios to the sweet and entertaining neighbors.

Obviously, I need to move more often, or double-promise to curtail the tendency to amass. A Waldenesque space could be the answer? Nonetheless, the next two years should offer a taste of the down-sized life

Life at Mary's is full of sweetness. It's my halfway house, between here and there and I've discovered some forgotten joys--living with others and living with animals. Also, I'm acclimating to "real weather" here, there's no AC, just life Ghana.

Besides the climatic change, I'm also aware of the "stuff" alteration: I'm now living from a suitcase, which incidentally, is not one of the Africa suitcases. This is not so tough, although I'm still enjoying running water and modern kitchen and bathing facilities. Clearly the next tough challenge will be food and I'm not about to modify that until absolutely necessary.

One week to go. The time really feels short now...

ps. photo is from girlfriend party at Mary's--fun, sweet day


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