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Location: formerly Indianapolis, IN, Central Region, Ghana

INFP, prone to fits of outrageous behavior and supporter of same

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bear with me, this must be an abbreviated post as I don't have much time today, but soon I should have more to post and time.

I know that I have several packages at the Accra office, so if you've sent me something, please know that I'll have it as soon as I can get to the big city to claim it from the PC mailroom. Incidentally, Accra is a three hour tro-tro ride from Cape Coast and my trips there require at least an overnight stay in the PC-provided lodging (not quite a vacation). In the near future, I might move my mailing address to the NGO here in Cape Coast, however, that may be less secure than the Accra office--urgh!! Getting the package vs speed--a tough decision, I'll probably stick with the status quo. Regardless, I really miss the ol' USPS. Letters from the US seem to take 2-4 weeks to arrive and packages take equally as long. The DHL packages are far faster (thank you, thank you Nancy D., you're an angel despite the mischievous grin!!!!).

So look for more of a post soon, hopefully before x-mas, but if not, merry solstice to all and lovely wishes for a meaningful and joyous new year.

Healing thoughts to Jen and Carter...



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